Sunday, 21 April 2013

Make life creative - watch Films!

All movies have something to offer but I mostly like actions and thrillers, horrors, nature and comedies- watching comedy films is sometimes enough to improve creative problem solving.,I also enjoy Fantasies. The study shows that fantasy films increase children imagination and creativity... 

I love movies that are based on true stories, films that make me think, which have some sort of moral or improve creativity and imagination. I enjoy be surprise by unexpected action changes and suspense is also welcomed. So I like lots of types as far as it is good, sometimes I choose the film depends what kind of mood I am in. We all need to escape reality sometime or just have a fun and relax or to feel great adrenaline rush and to be scared. I don’t like movies where everyone dies,..

 Some of my favorite movies of all time are Brave Heart, Boat Trip, Groundhog day, Cast away, comedies with Luis de Funes,  Untachable, Little white lies, Duplex, old Frankenstein (1931) :-) ; Changeling (2008) with Angelina Julie directed by Clint Eastwood, Green Mile, Knowing with Nicolas Cage The Forgotten Ones, Wrong Turn, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Two Brothers, The curious case of Benjamin Button, Oliver Twist ,Date Night (2010) - very good comedy with Steve Carell and Tina Fey .

Lets find the ways how to become creative with inspirations from our favourite movies!??